Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Editor's note

This blog is a compendium of my own personal Hummer pictures at offroad events, and Hummer pictures taken from free Hummer and 4 X 4 Internet websites and forums through out the world. All pictures used here come from the public domain. If you want your Hummer picture removed for any reason I will gladly do it, just tell me which one it is and what day, month, and year it was posted. This blog receives no remuneration in any form.
The Editor


Anonymous said...

That photo of the H3, taken in Grand Tetons NP, is my photo and my Hummer. Request you remove it.

Anonymous said...

All Hummers do is use up the world's petroleum supply at an alarming rate and mar the forests and desert areas with wheel tracks and pollution. As well as many others, I think they are ugly and can't believe anyone likes looking at pictures of them. Even their own owners don't want their pictures displayed! Hummers are just overgrown Tahoes and Colorados.

Anonymous said...

As a former worker at the GM H3 Plant in Shreveport I would like to personally thank you, HummerGuy and Hummer Worldwide for what you and your sites have done for the Hummer brand. I still look at your pictures and own a 2007 H3.
Keep the pictures coming!

Anonymous said...

You left out an important part of what is known as the Internet Public Domain policy. Public Domain pictures, videos, and articles cannot be used on sites that restrict access based on race, religion or sex, or charge a fee to view the pictures, videos or articles. You are within your rights to post public domain videos and photographs on a free blog without anyone's permission, however, as a matter of courtesy I would ask the originator, photographer or author.
A retired Arizona Attorney and six year H2 owner.