The Hummer seems to be the target of tree huggers and environmentalists. What many don't realize, is that there is a need for rugged offroad vehicles that can get almost anywhere when other 4 x 4s can't. During Hurricane Katrina, privately owned Hummers made over 150 rescue missions according to Red Cross documents. Hummers are designed from the ground up to ford 24 inches of water, but with slight modifications 36 inches of standing water is no problem and I've seen H1s tackle 45 inches of water....try that in a Honda Pilot!! Along with project HOPE, Hummer owners make their vehicles available across the US for disaster relief. http://www.redcross.org/article/0,1072,0_332_3649,00.html
When the earthquake hit China, they asked for "disaster supplies and a few Hummers." They didn't ask for 4 X 4 vehicles or Jeeps, they specifically asked for Hummers. While big SUV sales wane in the US, China is in discussions with GM to import Hummers and rumors persist they are considering an agreement to license the production of Hummers in China.
Although, we realize how great the Hummer is, The Phantom called this morning to tell me the Hummer Brand might be going up for sale by GM. He said a press conference would follow in a few days!!
Does GM realize how truly unique these vehicles are. Many think the H2 is a Tahoe in disguise, however according to GMs own releases the H2 has 138 parts only found on the Hummer and 52 in the drivetrain and chasis that are unique. Sites like http://www.fuh2.com/ catch one's eye, but show how misinformed people are about the true capablities of a Hummer. Note how many of these pictures were taken in foreign countries where nothing screams "Made in America" like a Hummer. By many accounts the hybrid Prius is responsible for more pollution and global warming than the big Hummers. http://www.thecarconnection.com/article/1010861_prius-versus-hummer-exploding-the-myth
Although, we realize how great the Hummer is, The Phantom called this morning to tell me the Hummer Brand might be going up for sale by GM. He said a press conference would follow in a few days!!
Does GM realize how truly unique these vehicles are. Many think the H2 is a Tahoe in disguise, however according to GMs own releases the H2 has 138 parts only found on the Hummer and 52 in the drivetrain and chasis that are unique. Sites like http://www.fuh2.com/ catch one's eye, but show how misinformed people are about the true capablities of a Hummer. Note how many of these pictures were taken in foreign countries where nothing screams "Made in America" like a Hummer. By many accounts the hybrid Prius is responsible for more pollution and global warming than the big Hummers. http://www.thecarconnection.com/article/1010861_prius-versus-hummer-exploding-the-myth
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